How to Install App

Scan QR Code

To Install this App :  No App Store Needed (its not there!).   Scan the QR Code below for the link then follow the instructions below to make a web app icon

iOS (iPhone and iPad)

To Install this App :  No App Store Needed (its not there!).   Just go to :   Once it loads in iOS in Safari for example, hit the “up arrow” at the bottom of safari and scroll to find “Add to Home Screen” then click “ADD”.  This will create a nice little icon for the program

On iOS (iPhone) open safari browser. At the bottom look for this “up-arrow”
Choose “Add to Home Screen”
Then click “Add” in the top right


Choose “Add to Home Screen” in the Samsung Browser for Samsung Devices or Chrome for Google Phone

Chrome or Edge (Windows, Linux or MacOS)

For Chrome or Edge browser on Windows or macOS or Linux:  Just go to :  – Look for the (+) sign in the address bar and click to Install.   Or from the menu (top right 3 dots), choose “Install TechTray”

Choose the “Install icon” shown with the arrow at the left

Then Choose “Install CoV-ID” (or on Edge choose Apps –> Install CoV-ID”. When the icon shows on the bottom taskbar, right-click and pin to taskbar for Windows (or Drag to the Dock on MacOS)